Interesting - I’m guessing that there is something more nuanced about LETT than just the pejorative interpretation, as I doubt the NYT would let something like that slip by - but who knows. The correct and respectful term to refer to the people of Latvia is "Latvians." Language evolves, and it's crucial to use contemporary and respectful language when addressing or talking about different ethnic or national groups.” However, it's essential to understand that using outdated or derogatory terms to refer to a group of people is not appropriate or respectful. It was more commonly used in the past, particularly during periods of foreign occupation or when Latvians were subject to discrimination or prejudice. “The term "lett" is an archaic and sometimes derogatory term that was historically used to refer to the Latvian people. I was curious as to what LETT means, so I conferred with ChatGPT, which offered the following: From that point on it all came smoothly but it was a long time coming. Eventually I erased the ASSES and SNAFU and SUDS came to the rescue.

Whoda thunk you could make a kea/loa out of that and HANGGLIDERS but that's how devious that clue was. PANAMAS, ATWT, SSN, INGROWN and LINT all went right in but I was convinced the top of that stair stsck was PINTGLASSES. LON and BINDI were gimmes but I can never remember if it's LETT or LaTT. I could see EEG, EDDA and SERENADE but had no way to support them. DEGAS and GALES sat by their little lonesome.

On first pass the majority of these clues gave me nothing. Even in the morning after sleep I think this would have been tough.

Mind you this is after driving back all day from my uncles memorial service in PA and then staying up to get a Q B on the Fri SB. Put me in difficult rating group for this puzzle.